
Journal Articles

Impact of Hand-Assisted Viewing on User Performance and Learning Patterns in Virtual Environments

Thumbnail for Impact of Hand-Assisted Viewing

Andrei Sherstyuk, Caroline Jay, Anton Treskunov (2011)

The Visual Computer 27: 3. 173-185 March.

This study explores the effects of a hand-assisted viewing technique called "view sliding" on user behavior in immersive virtual environments. The research demonstrates that this technique significantly changes how people operate their virtual hands on motor, cognitive, and behavioral levels, revealing unexpected learning patterns and performance impacts in virtual reality interactions.

Toward Natural Selection in Virtual Reality

Thumbnail for Toward Natural Selection in Virtual Reality

Andrei Sherstyuk, Dale Vincent, Anton Treskunov (2010)

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30: 2. 93-96, C3 Mar./Apr.

This paper proposes a mechanism of merit-based selection of players as a solution to the long-standing problem of limited access to VR hardware. The authors suggest reducing VR-playable content to short episodes and making them available to selected players.

Semi-Automatic Surface Scanner for Medical Tangible User Interfaces

Thumbnail for Semi-Automatic Surface Scanner

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov, Benjamin Berg (2010)

International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG) 10: 2. 219-233.

This paper presents a new method for fast semi-automatic 3D geometry acquisition, based upon unconventional use of motion tracking equipment. The proposed method is intended for quick surface prototyping for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality applications where quality of visualization of scanned objects is not required or is of low priority.

Book Chapters

Mixed Reality Manikins for Medical Education

Thumbnail for Mixed Reality Manikins

Andrei Sherstyuk, Ben Berg, Dale Vincent, Anton Treskunov (2011)

In: Handbook of Augmented Reality. Edited by: Furht, Borko. Springer

This chapter describes how applying standard techniques from the fields of Virtual and Mixed Reality can significantly expand manikin functionality, at relatively low costs. The authors describe a working prototype of a Mixed Reality Manikin, with technical implementation details and one complete scenario.

Conference Papers

Active Haptic Feedback for Touch Enabled TV Remote

Thumbnail for Active Haptic Feedback

Anton Treskunov, Mike Darnell, Rongrong Wang (2015)

In: 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015), November 9-13, Seattle, USA

This paper investigates how haptic feedback affects the user experience of touchpad-based TV remote. The results show overwhelming support for haptic feedback in terms of subjective user preference, though no significant difference in performance was found between conditions with and without haptic feedback.

Space-Time Maps for Virtual Environments

Thumbnail for Space-Time Maps

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov (2014)

In: ICAT-EGVE 2014 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments

This paper introduces time maps, where pixels can define the rate of time for each player at a given location. The authors present a general mechanism of encoding the rate of time into a terrain image and discuss applications that may benefit from making time rate location specific.

Video-Based Head Tracking for High-Performance Games

Thumbnail for Video-Based Head Tracking

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov, Vladimir Savchenko (2013)

In: IAPR Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2013)

This paper investigates whether single-camera head tracking is practical and computationally affordable for modern games. The authors found that the impact of video tracking on game performance varies from non-existing to low, including the worst case scenario with all-dynamic scene content.

Natural Head Motion for 3D Social Games

Thumbnail for Natural Head Motion for 3D Social Games

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov (2013)

In: IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality (VR'2013), 16 - 20 March, Orlando, FL, USA 69-70

This paper explores how natural head motion can be used in social 3D worlds, where personalization, interaction and expressiveness are rules of the game. The authors show that many existing interfaces and methods of controlling user avatars can be easily augmented with user motion, producing new visual effects and enabling new behaviors.

Predator-Prey Vision Metaphor for Multi-Tasking Virtual Environments

Thumbnail for Predator-Prey Vision Metaphor

A Sherstyuk, A Treskunov, M Gavrilova (2012)

In: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI'12), March 4-5, Costa Mesa, USA 81--84

This paper proposes a new technique for proactive control of the virtual camera by utilizing a predator-prey vision metaphor. The authors describe the technique, the implementation, and preliminary results.

Range Camera for Simple behind Display Interaction

Thumbnail for Range Camera for Simple behind Display Interaction

Anton Treskunov, Seung Wook Kim, Stefan Marti (2011)

In: MVA 2011 IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, June 13-15, 2011, Nara, Japan 160-163 MVA Organization

This paper presents a method to estimate hand positions behind a display, while the person's body is in front of the display. This allows for direct and bare hand interaction with virtual objects in an AR setting.

DRIVE: Directly Reaching Into Virtual Environment With Bare Hand Manipulation Behind Mobile Display

Thumbnail for DRIVE

Seung Wook Kim, Anton Treskunov, Stefan Marti (2011)

In: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2011, 19-20 March, Singapore [Poster] 107 - 108

This paper presents DRIVE, an interaction method that allows a user to manipulate virtual content by reaching behind a mobile display device such as a cellphone, tablet PC, etc. Together with face tracking, the system creates the illusion that the user's hand is co-located with virtual volumetric content.

Towards Virtual Reality Games

Thumbnail for Towards Virtual Reality Games

Andrei Sherstyuk, Dale Vincent, Anton Treskunov (2009)

In: Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in industry (VRCAI '09, Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 15, 2009). Edited by: S. N. Spencer. 315-316 ACM

This paper proposes a concept of Virtual Reality Games that will combine the best features of games and VR: large persistent worlds experienced in photorealistic immersive settings. The authors suggest several solutions for bridging the gap between the two platforms.

Collision-free Travel with Terrain Maps

Thumbnail for Collision-free Travel with Terrain Maps

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov (2009)

In: Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in industry (VRCAI '09, Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 15, 2009). Edited by: S. N. Spencer. 175-178 ACM

This paper describes a system for collision-free travel in VR, suitable for applications where scene layout is static and heightfield maps can be applied. The proposed algorithm of speed control is easy to incorporate into most travel techniques.

Dynamic Light Amplification for Immersive Environment Rendering

Thumbnail for Dynamic Light Amplification for Immersive Environment Rendering

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov (2009)

In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in industry (VRCAI '09, Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 15, 2009). Edited by: S. N. Spencer. 247--251 ACM

This paper proposes a new method of creating various lighting effects by using view-dependent control over lighting. Two implemented examples are provided: simulation of a blinding effect in dark environments, and contrast enhancement.

Dynamic Light Amplification for Head Mounted Displays

Thumbnail for Dynamic Light Amplification for Head Mounted Displays

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov (2009)

In: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Kyoto, Japan. Edited by: Steven N. Spencer. 235-236 New York, NY, USA: ACM

This paper presents a method for enhancing the visual response of head-mounted displays (HMDs) by using view-dependent control over lighting. The technique dynamically amplifies light intensity based on the user's gaze direction to compensate for the narrow field of view and limited dynamic range of HMDs, demonstrating its effectiveness in simulating blinding lights in dark virtual environments.

A Virtual Iraq System for the Treatment of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Thumbnail for A Virtual Iraq System for the Treatment of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Shih-Ching Yeh, Brad Newman, Matt Liewer, Jarrell Pair, Anton Treskunov, Greg Reger, Barbara O Rothbaum, JoAnn Difede, Josh Spitalnick, Rob McLay, Thomas D Parsons, Albert A Rizzo (2009)

In: Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2009 (VR 2009) 163-170 Lafayette, Louisiana, USA: IEEE

This paper presents the rationale and description of a VR PTSD therapy application (Virtual Iraq) and the findings from its use with active duty service members. The system consists of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant Middle Eastern VR contexts for exposure therapy, including a city and desert road convoy environment.

Fast geometry acquisition for mixed reality applications using motion tracking

Thumbnail for Fast geometry acquisition for mixed reality applications using motion tracking

Andrei Sherstyuk, Anton Treskunov, Benjamin Berg (2008)

In: Proceedings of the 2008 7th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 179-180 Cambridge, UK: IEEE Computer Society

This paper proposes a new method for fast semi-automatic 3D geometry acquisition, based upon unconventional use of motion tracking equipment. The proposed method is intended for quick surface prototyping for Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality applications where quality of visualization of scanned objects is not required or is of low priority.

Real binoculars with virtual functions for mixed environments

Thumbnail for Real binoculars with virtual functions for mixed environments

Andrei Sherstyuk, Kin Lik Wang, Anton Treskunov, Jarrell Pair (2008)

In: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE) 120-125 New York, NY, USA: ACM

This paper presents a number of techniques based upon the idea of using real binoculars as an interface object to facilitate the viewing of virtual content. These techniques are simple and intuitive to use, and their implementation is straightforward and easy to integrate into most systems.

View Enhancement Techniques for Scene Exploration and Object Selection in Virtual and Mixed Environments

Thumbnail for View Enhancement Techniques for Scene Exploration and Object Selection in Virtual and Mixed Environments

Andrei Sherstyuk, Kin Lik Wang, Anton Treskunov, Jarrell Pair (2007)

In: 4th International Workshop on the Tangible Space Initiative Nara, Japan

This paper presents several novel techniques to facilitate scene exploration and object selection by giving users real instruments as props while implementing their functionality in a virtual part of the environment. The authors show that this approach matches user expectations with the tool's capabilities, enhancing the sense of presence and increasing the depth of interaction between the real and virtual components of the scene.

Optical Sight Metaphor for Virtual Environments

Thumbnail for Optical Sight Metaphor for Virtual Environments

Andrei Sherstyuk, Jarrell Pair, Anton Treskunov (2007)

In: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces Charlotte, North Carolina, USA: IEEE Computer Society

This paper introduces the optical sight metaphor for selecting distant objects or precisely pointing at close objects in virtual environments. The optical sight combines ray-casting, hand based camera control, and variable zoom into one virtual instrument that can be easily implemented for a variety of Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality systems.

User-centered design driven development of a virtual reality therapy application for Iraq war combat-related post traumatic stress disorder

Thumbnail for User-centered design driven development of a virtual reality therapy application for Iraq war combat-related post traumatic stress disorder

Albert Rizzo, Ken Graap, Jarrell Pair, Reger, Anton Treskunov, Thomas D Parsons (2006)

In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technology 113-122 ICDVRAT/University of Reading, UK

This paper presents the rationale, technical specifications, application features and user-centered design process for the development of a Virtual Iraq PTSD VR therapy application. The VR treatment environment is being created via the recycling of virtual graphic assets that were initially built for the U.S. Army-funded combat tactical simulation scenario and commercially successful X-Box game, Full Spectrum Warrior, in addition to other available and newly created assets.

Projector-Camera Systems For Immersive Training

Thumbnail for Projector-Camera Systems For Immersive Training

Anton Treskunov, Jarrell Pair (2006)

In: Proceedings of the 25th Army Science Conference Orlando, FL

This paper describes projection systems using computer vision based color correction and image processing to project onto non-ideal surfaces such as painted walls, cinder blocks, and concrete floors. These projector-camera systems effectively paint the real world with digital light, allowing any surface to become an interactive projection screen.

A Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Application for Iraq War Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Thumbnail for A Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Application for Iraq War Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Jarrell Pair, Brian Allen, Matthieu Dautricourt, Anton Treskunov, Matt Liewer, Ken Graap, Greg Reger (2006)

In: VR '06 : Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Virtual Reality 62-72 Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society

This paper presents the rationale, technical specifications, application features and user-centered design process for the development of a Virtual Iraq PTSD VR therapy application. The VR treatment environment consists of a series of customizable virtual scenarios designed to represent relevant contexts for exposure therapy to be conducted in VR, including a city and desert road convoy environment.

Leveraging Hollywood Set Design Techniques to Enhance Ad Hoc Immersive Display Systems

Thumbnail for Leveraging Hollywood Set Design Techniques to Enhance Ad Hoc Immersive Display Systems

Jarrell Pair, Anton Treskunov, Diane Piepol (2005)

In: IEEE VR 2005 Workshop on Emerging Display Technologies - Bonn, Germany

This paper describes the FlatWorld project at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies, which exploits ad hoc immersive display techniques to prototype virtual reality education and training applications. The approach is related to traditional immersive projection systems such as the CAVE, but draws extensively upon techniques widely used in Hollywood sets and theme parks.

The Flatworld Simulation Control Architecture (FSCA): A Framework for Scalable Immersive Visualization Systems

Thumbnail for The Flatworld Simulation Control Architecture (FSCA): A Framework for Scalable Immersive Visualization Systems

Anton Treskunov, Jarrell Pair, Bill Swartout (2004)

In: Proceedings for the Army Science Conference (24th) Held on 29 November - 2 December 2004 in Orlando, Florida

The Flatworld Simulation Control Architecture (FSCA) is a software framework designed to support scalable immersive visualization systems, allowing for the creation of virtual environments ranging from single rooms to entire city blocks. This network-centric architecture enables multiple client displays to be driven by a single controller application, providing flexibility in integrating various 3D graphics engines and display devices for virtual reality training and simulation purposes.

Automatic vision system for final test of liquid crystal displays

Thumbnail for Automatic vision system for final test of liquid crystal displays

Sergey Sokolov, Anton Treskunov (1992)

In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1578-1582 vol.2 Nice, France: IEEE

This paper describes algorithms and hardware of the automatic output check system for liquid crystal displays. The main algorithmic difficulty of LCD check problem is detection of little defects in real time, which is addressed by an algorithm utilizing a priori information.